The Section ofMedia TechnologyCopenhagen

The Media Technology section in Copenhagen – with its five research groups – spans many aspects of interaction between humans and media technology. This ranges from direct interactions between humans and technology, to implicit reactive interactions, and to broader perspectives on how technology can influence and enhance society in a sustainable direction.
The Section ofMedia TechnologyCopenhagen
The Media Technology section in Copenhagen – with its five research groups – spans many aspects of interaction between humans and media technology. This ranges from direct interactions between humans and technology, to implicit reactive interactions, and to broader perspectives on how technology can influence and enhance society in a sustainable direction.

We study and research the interaction between people and media technologies
We design, develop and study interactive prototypes that have a purpose for companies, educations, institutions and organisations. In this way, we investigate how we can improve human interaction and collaboration with media technology - both within software and hardware.
For example, we study:
- how virtual realities help with rehabilitation
- how specialized computer games can train users to learn and solve real-world problems
- how sound, light and media technologies affect people cognitively
- how the human brain reacts to different sensory impressions in the interaction with technologies and what this means for their behavior and well-being.
In our research and education, we follow a design process where we:
- identify needs
- design technology and user interfaces that match the needs
- develop and implement the software or hardware
- evaluate the technological solution together with the end-users
- develop the technology until the best solution is found.
People are not always aware of how they interact with technology. Therefore, we also investigate indirect interactions and how digital experiences can be adapted to users while they are using the technology. Here, for example, we can measure brain and muscle activity when people experience an interactive story.
How does technology and design affect society?
Moreover, The Section of Media Technology in Copenhagen investigates how technology affects society as a whole. We are involved in designing sustainable technological solutions for the broader population and in managing these services.
In particular, we are interested in how service design
as approach can facilitate exploration, co-creation and
empowerment to address broad societal issues and sustainablity.
Furthermore, we are involved in designing lighting solutions that meet the needs of people. We do the through contextual analysis, concept design, prototyping, and evaluation. In
this field, we bridge knowledge from architecture, engineering, 3D graphics, and computing technology.
Media Technology in Copenhagen consists of following research groups: