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News and press

News and press only exits in Danish. If you are a journalist, you can find the contact information below. Here you can also find an archive of our English language news, a list of our latest publications, and our Twitter feed. If you want to explore the News and Press area in Danish, click the link below.

News and press (Danish)

Contact press office at AAU

Press phone: 2215 0192 (can receive text messages)
Email: presse@adm.aau.dk
The phone is open weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm

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Create Spotlight Podcast

Listen to the Create Spotlight Podcast. The podcast sheds light on the interesting and unique research at the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology.

Create Spotlight Podcast

Create Spotlight Podcast

Listen to the Create Spotlight Podcast. The podcast sheds light on the interesting and unique research at the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology.

Create Spotlight Podcast