Find the right help

Here is an overview of your options if you need help as a student - both within and outside of AAU.
Find the right help
Here is an overview of your options if you need help as a student - both within and outside of AAU.

There may be several reasons why your life as a student might become challenging.
At Create and at AAU in general, we have people on staff to help you no whether your challenges are personal or practical, related to your studies or not.
Reach out to us
You can always reach out to a student counsellor, teacher, professor, supervisor, study secretary or study board secretary if you need to talk.
If they can't help you, they can find out who can.
AAU's Student guidance
AAU's Student guidance is a good place to go, as they can help you with almost anything - whether it is related to your studies or not.
They have experience and know about all the options there are at AAU and outside the university.