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Augmented Cognition Lab

Augmented Cognition Lab

The Augmented Cognition Lab is dedicated to the study of perception, cognition, affective states and aesthetic experience in relation to multimodal media and cognitive technologies (including immersive and representational interactive displays, music communication and multimodal digital applications). The lab is well equipped technologically and methodologically to investigate such processes when experiencing and interacting with complex stimuli and narrative content.

The Augmented Cognition Lab belongs to Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology and its facilities are used for research purposes at the department as well as courses and student projects on educations in Medialogy, Sound and Music Computing, Lighting Design and Service System Design. The lab has a network of international collaborations with universities and companies in Denmark and abroad.

The lab counts with state of the art equipment for measuring brain activity (electroencephalography – EEG) and several psychophysiological measurement devices and methods such as muscle activity (EMG), eye-tracking devices, heart and pulse rate measurements, computer vision and thermal imaging technology for recognition of affective states, including a complete BCI research system, g.USBamp (CE-certified, FDA listed) with 32 channels with hardware and software for motor imagery/ERD, SSVEP-BCI and P300 ERP/BCI.

It also counts with high performance computers and high resolution display systems for multimodal stimulus presentation (e.g. screens, augmented reality, virtual environments, 3D sound), software and game engines for the creation of engaging interactive virtual environments (e.g. Unity, CryEngine), and multimodal and tangible interfaces (e.g. Kinect, haptic controllers, eye-trackers).

Frederikskaj 12, Building B, room 1.23 on the first floor.

Associate Professor Luis Emilio Bruni: leb@create.aau.dk
Associate Professor Sofia Dahl: sof@create.aau.dk