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Augmented Performance Lab

Augmented Performance Lab

The Augmented Performance Lab (APL) at Aalborg University Copenhagen investigates performative aspects of interaction design. Researchers at APL disseminate on interactive technologies for music performance and production, especially focusing on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) and Sonic and Embodied Interaction (SEI). The Augmented Performance Lab is linked directly to the Sound and Music Computing (SMC) graduate education. As control and expressiveness in performance are related to perceived emotion and meaning, a primary focus is to enhance gestural control of live performance methods using new instruments and interfaces.

The laboratory consists of three areas - Making, Moving & Hearing - which investigate technological, cultural and artistic projects with both national and international partners. APL's technical equipment captures, analyses, processes and displays real-time human performances with augmented / hybrid musical instruments, tangible interfaces, reactive surfaces, and 3D spatial interaction.

The Augmented Performance Lab explores new forms of expression with music, movement and novel forms of HCI, inventing new input and output modalities through the design of enhanced instruments for embodied interactive performance. These activities include developing novel hardware and software technologies, as well as the evaluation of user and audience experiences.

Applying such new technologies is possible in a variety of areas, such as professional music production and performance, music education, the media arts, therapy and rehabilitation. Research topics include those related to New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), Active Acoustics, Sound Mixing and Spatialization, and evaluation of user / audience experience with augmented instruments.

The Augmented Performance Lab includes three main areas:

  • Moving space, an interaction area with space for gestational performance research with motion capture equipment, custom interfaces and instruments.
  • Making space, including a variety of custom-designed and built augmented musical instruments – and electronics and fabrication equipment to design and create future concepts.
  • Hearing space, an area for sound capture and reproduction, including sound spatialisation equipment with many high-quality loudspeakers, and an anechoic chamber for acoustic measurements and research.

All lab equipment is placed in a flexible environment that allows a wide variety of experiments to be conducted.

A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, Building A, room 2.0.023 (enter through the Lighting Lab)

Daniel Overholt - dano@create.aau.dk, tel. +45 2295 2736

Cumhur Erkut - cer@create.aau.dk, tel. +45 9940 2583