We will present a conference paper that discusses soft spaces and soft planning in the context of the Global South, where formal governments are often less stable than in the Global North, and oftentimes their democratic legitimacy can also be questioned. It takes as a point of departure cycling mobilities in the city of Caracas, Venezuela, focusing especially on the ‘Caracas en bici’ case, a winning entry on a competition in 2012 for developing cycling as an urban form of mobility. We look at the case through the lens of “soft spaces” discourse, asking whether informal and network-based projects are always a problem for the legitimacy of planning, or could they also rightfully challenge existing governance structures that suffer from legitimacy deficits. Here we are interested especially in people’s perceptions of legitimate governance of urban space. We build our analysis on the interviews with designers, practitioners, academics, and urban and mobility activists in Caracas.
21.11.2023 kl. 12.00 - 13.00
The soft planning space around the “Caracas en bici” project: assessing the legitimacy & effectiveness of informal mobility planning in Venezuela
Assistant Professor, Andrea H. Bueno ( and Associate Professor, Hanna Mattila (, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology
We will present a conference paper that discusses soft spaces and soft planning in the context of the Global South, where formal governments are often less stable than in the Global North, and oftentimes their democratic legitimacy can also be questioned. It takes as a point of departure cycling mobilities in the city of Caracas, Venezuela, focusing especially on the ‘Caracas en bici’ case, a winning entry on a competition in 2012 for developing cycling as an urban form of mobility. We look at the case through the lens of “soft spaces” discourse, asking whether informal and network-based projects are always a problem for the legitimacy of planning, or could they also rightfully challenge existing governance structures that suffer from legitimacy deficits. Here we are interested especially in people’s perceptions of legitimate governance of urban space. We build our analysis on the interviews with designers, practitioners, academics, and urban and mobility activists in Caracas.
Place and time:
Rendsburggade 14, C-MUS Lab (room 5.355a), November 21, 12:00-13:00
The seminars are open to everyone with interest in Mobilities and Urban studies.
Pre-registration is not needed. Please bring you own lunch.
Looking forward to see you at the C-MUS Brown Bag Seminars!
Rendsburggade 14, C-MUS Lab (room 5.355a) + MS Teams