Beyond Efficiency: A Sufficiency Framework
MSc Architecture
Magnus Holm, Morten Pless and Nina Nielsen
Beyond Efficiency: A Sufficiency Framework
Beyond Efficiency: A Sufficiency Framework
MSc Architecture
Magnus Holm, Morten Pless and Nina Nielsen
This master thesis explores the integration of sufficiency measures as a crucial component in the shift to a sustainable architecture practice, which is often achieved through efficiency measures. Through the research of current design principles in sustainable architecture and case studies, this thesis develops a framework that presents strategic and design principles that can achieve the objective of including sufficiency in architectural design. With the use of an integrated design approach that includes sketching, modelling, life cycle assessments, simulations of light and structures, this thesis conceptualizes and exemplifies how efficiency, sufficiency and sufficiency aesthetics can be a part of a sustainable architectural design process.
The thesis is manifested through a small-scale architectural project, the transformation of a ruin on the Danish Island, Langeland, that serves as an example of how to apply the framework and proves the effect of the strategic and design principles. The aesthetic approach of the framework and subsequent design seeks to redefine user expectations, promoting consumption that aligns with the Paris agreement. Furthermore, the design showcases how overlooked aesthetic potentials within materials can drive sustainable building practices. Using on-site, reused, biogenic materials and building process byproducts, the project unifies sufficiency and efficiency principles.
Denne kandidatafhandling udforsker integrationen af sufficiens-tiltag, som en afgørende komponent i overgangen til en bæredygtig arkitekturpraksis, som ofte opnås gennem effektivitetstiltag. Gennem forskning af de nuværende designprincipper i bæredygtig arkitektur og casestudier udvikler denne afhandling en ramme, der præsenterer strategiske og designmæssige principper, der kan imødekomme målet om at inkludere sufficiens i arkitektonisk design. Med brug af en integreret designmetode, der inkluderer skitsering, modellering, livscyklusvurderinger, simuleringer af lys og strukturer, konceptualiserer og eksemplificerer denne afhandling, hvordan effektivitet, sufficiens og tilhørende æstetik kan være en del af en bæredygtig arkitektonisk designproces.
Afhandlingen manifesteres gennem et arkitekturprojekt i lille skala, hvor en ruin på den danske ø Langeland transformeres. Den æstetiske tilgang og det efterfølgende design søger at redefinere brugerens forventninger og fremme forbrug, der er i overensstemmelse med Parisaftalen. Desuden viser designet, hvordan oversete æstetiske potentialer inden for materialer kan understøtte bæredygtige byggepraksisser.