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Make Do With Now - Towards a strategy for circular transformation


MSc Architecture


Jonas Holm Posselt, Mathias Højgaard Lyngbye and Nikolaj Dreyer Nielsen

Make Do With Now - Towards a strategy for circular transformation

Make Do With Now - Towards a strategy for circular transformation


MSc Architecture


Jonas Holm Posselt, Mathias Højgaard Lyngbye and Nikolaj Dreyer Nielsen

This project proposes a comprehensible strategy for circular transformation through the Make Do With Now framework. By lending from state-of-the-art cases and theory, the framework is clearly defined to apply to the case of Klostermølle, an on-going transformation. The main themes of the project are concerned with material scarcity and resourcefulness as well as delving into an aesthetic born from a place-specific identity and heritage, but also the intertwining of both old and new materials. The methodology of the project is rooted in an explorative and analytical approach, carefully navigating the space between identifying issues and arriving at solutions through an iterative process. A range of thoughtfully selected methods guide the project from establishing a framework and problem statement, to its application in a particular case, and ultimately extracting insights to inform the strategy.

The product of this project, a strategy for circular transformation, serves as a point of departure for a strategy to apply and further develop on future cases. The strategy does not provide a definitive answer but includes the main findings of Make Do With Now along with complimentary topics to investigate towards developing a strategy for circular transformation universally applicable.


Dette projekt foreslår en forståelig strategi for cirkulær transformation gennem Make Do With Now rammesætningen. Ved at trække på state-of-the-art casestudier og teori, defineres rammen klart for at kunne anvendes på Klostermølle, en igangværende transformation. Projektets hovedtemaer omhandler materialemangel og ressourceudnyttelse samt en unik æstetik med afsæt i stedsspecifik identitet og arv, men også sammenfletningen af både gamle og nye materialer. Projektets metodologi er forankret i en eksplorativ og analytisk tilgang, som omhyggeligt navigerer mellem at identificere problemer og nå frem til løsninger gennem en iterativ proces. En række omhyggeligt udvalgte metoder guider projektet fra etablering af en rammesætning og problemformulering til dets anvendelse i et bestemt scenarie og til sidst udtrækning af indsigter for at informere strategien.

Produktet af dette projekt er en strategi for cirkulær transformation, som fungerer som udgangspunkt for en strategi til at anvende og videreudvikle på fremtidige tilfælde. Strategien giver ikke et endegyldigt svar, men indeholder afgørende konklusioner fra Make Do With Now sammen med supplerende emner at undersøge mod udvikling af en strategi for cirkulær transformation, der er universelt anvendelig.