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Industrial Design


Sophia Rytter Møller, Christoffer Valsted og Jens Øbro




Industrial Design


Sophia Rytter Møller, Christoffer Valsted og Jens Øbro

Nurses often experience severe finger pain, take sick leave, require surgery or retire early, leading to annual costs of at least 2.46 billion DKK. A contributing factor is the demanding task of extracting and injecting 50 mL syringes during medicine mixing or gastric suctioning.

PullIt is a simple manual, handy and mobile work tool designed to assist hospital nurses in said tasks. It shifts the strain from a few fingers to both hands and larger muscle groups, providing relief from and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the fingers and wrist. Remedying the tendency of unhealthy work environment for the nurses, PullIt enhances their professional appearance and comfort, while elevating patient safety and time-efficiency, allocating more time to tending to the patient. The tool seamlessly integrates into their current workflow by blending in with the 50 mL syringe, offering free movement and no distractions with minimal interactions, thus ensuring a quick adoption. PullIt represent a timely and important step in the paradigm shift toward recognising nurses and their colleagues as the most valuable resource in the health care sector by contributing to a healthier work environment.

Several hospital departments have already shown great interest in acquiring PullIt with a requested purchase of 20 units from a department manager. A series-0 for maturation is forthcoming.