The Museum of Movement: Cognitive Perspectives on Life-Size Dioramas and Spatial Perception
Stephanie Nyborg Andreasen and Dina Hay Jørgensen
The Museum of Movement: Cognitive Perspectives on Life-Size Dioramas and Spatial Perception
Stephanie Nyborg Andreasen and Dina Hay Jørgensen
This thesis contains a design proposal for the upcoming architectural competition for a new museum to house The Vedbæk Findings, aiming to create a Mesolithic-specific museum that meets the UNESCO standards. The competition seeks to ensure an experiential design that honours a significant portion of the world’s cultural heritage, particularly The Vedbæk Findings, some of the best-preserved Paleolithic skeletons in existence.
The thesis focuses on the development of a new museum, as an opportunity to revive the essence and principles of the original site through a revitalized museum narrative and communication strategy, brought to fusion by innovative architectural interventions.
At the heart of the museum’s creation is the understanding of human movement and environmental perception. The design proposal for the new museum is built on an exploration of how human movement informs architectural design, emphasizing the interplay between the design outcome and the theoretical framework supporting movement.
Denne afhandling indeholder et designforslag til den kommende arkitektkonkurrence om et nyt museum til at huse Vedbæk-fundene, med det formål at skabe et mesolitisk-specifikt museum, der opfylder UNESCO-standarderne. Konkurrencen søger at sikre et oplevelsesorienteret design, der ærer en væsentlig del af verdens kulturarv, særligt Vedbæk-fundene, nogle af de bedst bevarede palæolitiske skeletter, der eksisterer.
Afhandlingen fokuserer på udviklingen af et nyt museum som en mulighed for at genoplive essensen og principperne fra det oprindelige sted gennem en revitaliseret museumsfortælling og kommunikationsstrategi, samlet gennem innovative arkitektoniske interventioner.
I centrum for museets skabelse er forståelsen af menneskelig bevægelse og miljømæssig perception. Designforslaget til det nye museum bygger på en udforskning af, hvordan menneskelig bevægelse informerer arkitektonisk design, med vægt på samspillet mellem designresultatet og den teoretiske ramme, der understøtter bevægelse.