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November 2021

Challenges escalated

No challenges were specifically escalated to the Vice Dean as earlier escalated issues are still in progress or has been fixed.

Fall 2020 & spring 2021

Challenges and status

Read more here (indsæt dette dokument: https://www.create.aau.dk/digitalAssets/1156/1156870_studiemiljoe.xlsx 

December 2020

Challenges escalated

No challenges were escalated to the Vice Dean as earlier escalated issues are still in progress or has been fixed. The COVID-19 situation also plays a big role in this.

Fall 2019 & spring 2020


Some of the issues we addressed at all locations were the same as last year. This goes for:

  • Poor indoor climate
  • Lack of light
  • Bad groups areas
  • Too much noise
  • Too much mess in group areas

Follow-up actions

The Department is in an ongoing dialogue with the Campus Service about several of the above-mentioned issues.

Moreover, some of the issues have been sorted out in 2020 when it comes to Campus Copenhagen. The coming focus is on Rendsburggade, Aalborg as our first-year students will start here from September 2021.

However, we cannot change the open areas in the Create building, Aalborg, but try to create the best framework with partitions and storage possibilities. It is an ongoing process to find the best solutions.

Nor can we accommodate a recurring desire for e.g. ergonomic tables. It is not now financially possible to bear such a cost.

Regarding issues of too much noise and clutter in group areas, we hope that Campus Service can come up with ideas to minimize this and set some rules of conduct.

You can read Campus Service’s yearly report (only in Danish):

Campus year report: https://www.studiemiljoe.aau.dk/digitalAssets/754/754079_udvikling-af-fysisk-studiemiljoe---aarsrapport-2019.pdf

December 2019

Challenges escalated

All addresses in Aalborg: Poor indoor climate. 

Follow-up actions

Campus Service is working with the building owners in order to improve this issue. They are working to improve the flow of natural ventilation as well as sun protection.

The improvements are ongoing in 2020 except the more comprehensive work. 

Fall 2018 & spring 2019


  • Rendsburggade, AAL: Too much noise in group areas both from student groups and external events.
  • Rendsburggade, AAL: Poor indoor climate. It is often too hot, however, in winter the students experience draft from the open windows in the auditorium. 
  • CPH: Often too hot and the ventilation is bad in the class rooms. 
  • Frederikskaj CPH: Poor indoor climate, often too hot, bad ventilated, too much direct sun light.
  • Rendsburggade, AAL: Request for furniture on the balcony.

Follow-up actions

This was solved with communicating stricter rules for use of the common area.

Also, communication to students regarding large events can be improved.

Finally, Campus Service is looking into the effects of not having any planned events in May and December.

The draft issue has been solved with hot air fans. It will be solved as part of an already approved indoor climate project, which will run during 2019 and 2020.

The Campus Service Management is prioritizing to solve indoor climate issues. Excepted solved in 2021.

The furniture has been purchased and put up in the summer of 2019.

Status on reported issues